code-charity / crowd-fixes

Crowdsource (y)our view. Universal tweaks to refine, renew, re-imagine the web. (Imagine uBlock 'My Filters' as a global collaboration). One-fit-all. The web as a visual-collaboration/-wiki. - We can unite the web's litter removers, (universal) minimalism or (universally favorable web-)street art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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"crowdFixes" - Crowdsource (y)our view

IDEA: Crowd-Sourcing universal CSS improvements or annotations to refine, renew, reimagine the web.
- One-fit-all. The web as collaboration / wiki

Just some quick examples (drafts) :

1. The following two github standard labels can be boring / unnecessary to watch, so lets make them just a bit less visible:
github standard labelshelp wanted good first issue
a[data-name^='help wanted'], a[data-name^='good first issue'] {opacity: 0.80; transform:scale(0.96);}

google analytics too small google analytics filter

2. The google analytics filter field is very small since ages. It also is very far on the right.

Lets make it just a little better: .ID-filterBox { width:190px !important; font-size: 14px !important; height: 21px !important;}

3. Youtube's sidebar is very bold and contrasty, compared to actuall videos. Lets counter balance that by just 12% transparency: #secondary {opacity:0.88}

Testing methods:

usertweaks youtube related videos sidebar usertweaks user styles