code-corps / code-corps-api

Elixir/Phoenix API for Code Corps.
MIT License
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Code Corps Phoenix Logo

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This is the Elixir and Phoenix backend API for

Code Corps is an open source platform for building and funding public software with massive social impact.

Our goals:

How can I help?

We'd love to have you contribute to Code Corps directly!

Have questions? Need help? You can also always come :wave: hello in our Slack, where there are always a ton of us around to help you learn, debug, or just shoot the breeze.

We highlight everyone who's contributed to the Code Corps team page. If we've missed you for some reason, please open an issue in the Ember app!

Where should I help?

We recommend checking the latest milestones on GitHub to get a sense for our current priorities.

Of course, help with other areas is always welcome, so if the current milestones aren't your cup of tea, feel free to browse the issues.

And you can always ask us for advice on where to start in our Slack.


Follow this guide to get started.


Have everything installed and ready to work? Read our usage guides to learn how to:


We have several types of docs:

Want to improve the documentation? Get started here.

Things we care about

Our values for this project reflect the Code Corps values as a whole, though with some minor differences.

We care about:

We also track quantifiable metrics like inline documentation coverage, testing coverage, and so on. You can see some of these metrics in the badges at the top of this page.