code-crusade / frontend

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code-crusade frontend

Built with React.js and Typescript


Environment variables

The following environment variables are required so the app functions properly.

It is recommended to put them inside a .env. file at the project root so react-scripts (from Create-react-app) automatically injects them at build time (note that they must start with the REACT_APP prefix to be injected).

Environment variable Usage Type Default Example value
REACT_APP_URL_API The url of the API string http://localhost:8080
REACT_APP_USE_TEST_DATA True if you want to mock a server with test data False if you want the requests to go through to the server boolean false true

Example .env file


Run app

With Docker

Make sure you are on the root of this folder (frontend) so when you do ls command, you see Dockerfile

Build the container

docker build -t frontend .

The container exposes the port 3000

docker run frontend

If everythings gone well, you should see a message like this one :

You can now view code-crusade in the browser.

  Local:            http://localhost:3000/
  On Your Network:

Note that the development build is not optimized.
To create a production build, use yarn build.

Locally with Node.js installed

First, clone the application

$ git clone
$ cd frontend

Then install dependencies by doing

$ npm install


$ npm start