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Homepage redesign, proofreading, reorganizing #16

Closed ungoldman closed 10 years ago

ungoldman commented 10 years ago

Please excuse the large PR! I proofread all of @elauervose's posts and moved some of them to meeting notes.

The main change here is the homepage (screenshot pending).

Please let me know if this looks alright. Thanks!

ungoldman commented 10 years ago

Here's what it looks like for now!


fardog commented 10 years ago

Looks great to me!

ungoldman commented 10 years ago

This PR also removes the Meeting Notes #1 placeholder entry

pdxmele commented 10 years ago

:shipit: :ship: :+1:

elauervose commented 10 years ago

Nice! It looks really good.

I have a few thoughts/questions:

1: Could the 3 panels be made the same height? I tried some inline styling on the other version just to see how it looked. (I did it inline which I know is bad - sorry) I think horizontal alignment can really make the whole row look more unified - what do you think about it?

2: I also wondered how they would look if they were a bit transparent - they might look more integrated into the header, I don't know, what do you think?

3: I'm unsure about events and meeting notes as two separate columns - It seems a little difficult to tell what to read and what's important.
What do you think about either combining them as one blog with tags for different types of posts, or maybe even separating meeting notes that have that info like action items, plans, decisions - on the GH wiki? Then the right column could be other things like important links, tags, event info, popular posts, twitter feed, etc. Do you think that would be worth trying?

These are just thoughts - I trust your judgement! :) ~ E

ungoldman commented 10 years ago
  1. Setting a fixed height on an element with textual content in it is generally a bad idea -- the content doesn't render the same everywhere and if it changes the design will break. I think it's already pretty well grouped.
  2. I already made the panels a bit transparent - lowering the transparency more makes the content harder to read.
  3. I've thought about that as well and think that in the future it might be better to integrate them into one content area on the front page with distinguishing metadata (e.g. event, meeting notes, news, project, dataset). For now since there are only two types and the stuff on the right is strictly notes about the meetings we've had, I think the distinction is adequate.

We can do another iteration on the design soon, this pass is mainly to get the site in an adequate state before NDoCH.

elauervose commented 10 years ago

Ooo! Nice slidey header! Very cool!

elauervose commented 10 years ago

OK - sounds good.

Thanks Nate! :)

bcomnes commented 10 years ago

Looks awesome!