code-for-portland-archive /

The Code for Portland website.
MIT License
4 stars 4 forks source link

Code for Portland

Repository for the homepage of Code for Portland. We're a Code for America brigade based in Portland, Oregon.

Edit pages in your browser

Adding pages and posts is easy! Just fork the repository and add and edit away. New to Jekyll? Read up on creating post files and check out an existing post to find the correct front-matter variables.

View a local copy of the site on your computer

If you plan on just writing blog posts or create pages without editing any JS or CSS assets, you can preview the site locally with a working copy of Ruby and Bundler. Follow this guide to get Jekyll running locally:

Once you have that working you can preview the website by running the following command in the website directory:

$ jekyll serve --watch

You should now be able to see the site in your browser at http://localhost:4000. While this command is running, any changes you save to files in the project you should up in your browser if you refresh the page. To stop the server, just press controlc in your terminal.
