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Post about NDoCH and Open Trail Data projects #19

Closed ungoldman closed 10 years ago

ungoldman commented 10 years ago

This a draft of a post promoting the National Day of Civic Hacking event letting people know about PLATS and the guests we're expecting to fly up for our event. @mbcharbonneau, when you get a chance can you review this and add whatever you like? You can post edits as comments or get crazy and fork off my branch.

@elauervose @fardog @pdxmele @donpdonp feel free to add thoughts. This was hastily drafted between conference events. I left it wide open at the end for @mbcharbonneau to go into specifics if he's already got ideas.

ungoldman commented 10 years ago

Here's the content of the article to make it a little easier to review.

Hacking on Open Trail Data at NDoCH

We're kicking off the second National Day of Civic Hacking this Friday at Epicodus (RSVP here), and we're very excited to share all the projects coming together for this weekend's hackathon! We've gotten support and ideas from Community Environmental Services, Oregon Metro, the Portland Development Commission, and many other great groups. Our biggest contributors have been all the great folks from the local tech community who've been coming to our meetings (thank you!).

Open Trail Data

We've got some special guests joining us from San Francisco for this hackathon. Alan Williams and Peter Welte from Code for America along with Ryan Branciforte from Trailhead Labs will be joining us to work on open trail data projects. Alan has been working on an open data specification for public land and trails called PLATS. The idea behind the project is to create an open standard for trail data that can be easily shared between different local governments and agencies and that makes sense for the web. There's already been a lot of input and activity on the specification from people all over the country. You can read more about the specification and see it for yourself here.

Trailhead Labs has been working with Metro to get some trail data ready for us to work with. There's already been some work done on conversion tools, and there's a growing list of ideas for projects on Github too.

We're very excited that folks from Code for America and Trailhead Labs are coming up to Portland to work with our city first. Please join us this weekend to work with these folks as well as many others!

NDoCH Kickoff Party Details
NDoCH Northwest Hackathon Details
pdxmele commented 10 years ago

Looking good to me!

ungoldman commented 10 years ago

Thanks @mbcharbonneau, I added the revisions you suggested. Do you want to mention anything more specific about the bike & ped count project or will this be alright for now?

ungoldman commented 10 years ago

I invited @alanjosephwilliams to take a look as well before we publish tomorrow morning.

mbcharbonneau commented 10 years ago

I'll review again tomorrow if it's not published yet, but for now I think that's all I have.

alanjosephwilliams commented 10 years ago

@ngoldman thanks for the invitation to take a look--I think it reads great.

ungoldman commented 10 years ago

OK, publish time! Thanks all.