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Suggest first pass at hacker directory. #36

Closed danielsomerfield closed 9 years ago

danielsomerfield commented 10 years ago

One possible suggestion for issue It's pretty simple, but it could be a first shot.

Let me know what you think or if there is another possible direction.

Also--I'm not terribly sure on protocol, either from a branching perspective or if you have standards for CSS and JS inclusions. I took a best guess. Let me know if I need to do anything differently.

ungoldman commented 10 years ago

Thanks @danielsomerfield! We talked about the idea of breaking this idea out into a separate repo so that other brigades could reuse our work -- part of a larger conceptual shift of how to structure the brigade site that I'm working on. I'll take a look at how you did this and follow up soon.

ungoldman commented 10 years ago

I definitely like the idea of using jekyll's _data directory to allow people to easily add and manage their member information. I think it makes sense to me to use the liquid templating language that's already available with jekyll to build out the page statically rather than having to build it out with javascript after making an AJAX request for an external file. Removing some complexity should make the list more easily maintainable and adoptable by other brigades.

I also like the idea of exposing the data we have as JSON but it doesn't seem like jekyll handles that very well (served as HTML then interpreted as JSON by jQuery is not ideal).

I created a members repo to build this out separately -- I'll use the work you've done so far as a basis for a second pass. Thanks again @danielsomerfield!