Half-Life 2: Sandbox Andrew McWatters Henry Tran Matthew
Half-Life 2: Sandbox is an open-source sandbox modification of the Source Engine which provides Lua as a scripting platform for developers to quickly prototype game ideas. The minimalistic game includes a sandbox gamemode for playing with the many aspects of the Source Engine.
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Adnan's Rotational Gravity Gun
Adnan Zafar adnan.f.zafar AT gmail DOT com http://skew.telefragged.com/mods/hl2/ARGG/
ARGG is used by Half-Life 2: Sandbox to implement rotational functionality for the physics manipulator.
Open Steamworks
Open Steamworks is used in Half-Life 2: Sandbox for mounting additional game content through Steam's abstraction layer rather than the game engine's filesystem class, which prevents non-fatal engine errors.