code4moldova / voluntar-telegram-client

Telegram bot that connects volunteers to beneficiaries who need assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic
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covid19md-voluntari telegram-bot

Telegram bot that connects volunteers to beneficiaries who need assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic

How it works

  1. The aim of the bot is to disseminate requests for assistance among volunteers who happen to be nearby.
  2. The bot notifies them via Telegram, providing an option to decline the request or state the time when they will be able to handle it.
  3. The backend examines the received offers and assigns a volunteer to the mission.
  4. The bot then informs them about the address and the needs of the person who asked for assistance.
  5. At the end of the interaction the bot collects details about the beneficiary's mood and symptoms, as well as additional remarks for future volunteers who might deal with this person.

Screensots of chat UI


                                                                          (start here)

                                                                      |    pool of fixers  |
                                                                      |  F1, F2, .. Fn     |
                                                                         |  the fixer uses the UI to
                                                                         |  add new help requests
                                                                         |  to the system
+--------------+          +--------------------------------+             |
|              |  notify  |                                |         +---v---------------+
|   pool of    |  and     |   +-----------------+          +         |    frontend       |
|   volunteers |  interact|   |   Telegram bot  |     feedack via    |                   |
|              <-------------->                 |     REST API       +-------------------+
|   Vol_1      |          |   |                 +----------+----+             |new
|   Vol_2      |          |   +-----^-----------+          |    |             |request
|   ..         |          |         |                      |    |    +--------v----------+
|   Vol_n      |          |         |  notify              +    +---->     backend       |
|              |          |         |                notify bot      |                   |
|              |          |   +-----+-----------+    about a new  +--+                   |
+--------------+          |   |   REST API      |    help request |  +-------------------+
                          |   |                 <----------+------+
                          |   |                 |          |
                          |   +-----------------+          |
                          |                                |
                          |                                |
                          |                 (this repo)    |



The following endpoints are used for interaction between the backend and the Telegram bot:

[done] backend->bot: notify bot about a new request for assistance
[done] backend->bot: notify the specific volunteer that they are responsible for a request
[done] backend->bot: notify the specific volunteer that a request assigned to them was cancelled}
[done] bot->backend: notify about offers from volunteers about a specific requestID
[done] bot->backend: volunteer is on their way
[done] bot->backend: mission accomplished
[done] bot->backend: send the receipt
[done] bot->backend: exit survey
- bot->backend: registration data about a new volunteer


Payload sample assistance_request, this is sent when a new request is added to the system by a fixer.

    "request_id": "fe91e4b6-e902-4d03-8500-d058673cb9bd",
    "beneficiary": "Martina Cojocaru",
    "address": "str. 31 August",
    "needs": ["Medicamente", "Produse alimentare"],
    "gotSymptoms": false,
    "hasDisabilities": false,
    "safetyCode": "Izvor-45",
    "phoneNumber": "+373 777 77 777",
    "remarks": ["Nu lucreaza ascensorul", "Are caine rau"],
    "volunteers": [chat_id1, chat_id2, chat_idN]
    "latitude": 47.0255165,
    "longitude": 28.8303149

Payload sample assign_assistance, this is sent when the system decided which volunteer to dispatch to a beneficiary.

    "request_id": "fe91e4b6-e902-4d03-8500-d058673cb9bd",
    "volunteer": chat_id,
    "time": "20:45"  # note that this time **must** be in UTC

Payload sample cancel_help_request, this is sent when a fixer notifies a volunteer that the request to assist has been cancelled.

      "request_id": "fe91e4b6-e902-4d03-8500-d058673cb9bd",
      "volunteer": chat_id

Payload sample register_pending_volunteer, this is sent when a volunteer registered in the system via the bot. In the process we've collected some details about them and are informing the backend about it. A fixer should then verify this volunteer's application and approve or decline it.

     'first_name', 'Alexei',
     'last_name', 'Murzicescu',
     'availability', '8',  # how many hours per day they can dedicate to the cause
     'activities', ['transport', 'delivery', 'phone'],  # at least one of these will be present
     'phone', '+3730000000'
     'chat_id' 12312323  # telegram chat id

Bot's state

Some information is stored in a persistent context that survives bot restarts. This information is needed to keep track of entities throughout their lifecycle. The state is a dictionary, you can examine it via http://localhost:5001/introspect. It comes in handy during debugging, but keep in mind that this exposes details about beneficiaries, so this endpoint must not be accessible to the public (it is not, by default).

User related

How to run it

  1. Talk to @BotFather to register your bot and get a token, as described here:
  2. Install dependencies from requirements.txt using virtualenv or pipenv
  3. Set the TELEGRAM_TOKEN environment variable to the token, e.g. export TELEGRAM_TOKEN=1123test
  4. Set the environment variables for connecting to the backend: COVID_BACKEND (e.g., COVID_BACKEND_USER, COVID_BACKEND_PASS
  5. Run python

ptionally, you can open http://localhost:5001 to send an example of a payload, simulating an actual request that came from the backend.

How to contribute

  1. Run make autoformat to format all .py files
  2. Run make verify and examine the output, looking for issues that need to be addressed
  3. Open a pull request with your changes

To avoid time-related confusions, set to your timezone. The logs will explicitly say the time is in UTC, and also display a user-centric timestamp, to remind you about this. Nevertheless, you should keep this in mind at all times.

How to use the Docker image

  1. Build it first: docker build -t covid-tg-bot .. Run docker images to ensure it is in the list.
  2. Run it with: docker run --rm -it -p 5001:5001 -v /path/to/folder:/app -e TELEGRAM_TOKEN='----replace-token-here' -e COVID_BACKEND= e COVID_BACKEND_USER=admin e COVID_BACKEND_PASS=secret covid-tg-bot (adjust to taste, for example you might want to remove --rm)