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This is the sandbox for a new, centralized Code4Sac website This site needs content, styling, and more! More details on how to help are coming soon.

Everyone can pitch in to help get our new website ready!

For a list of things we need help on, please check out the issues page.

Need to update a project's information?

Check the wiki for how to do it... no coding required!

For Developers:

Running Locally is run on GitHub pages, and uses Jekyll.

  1. Ruby
  2. Bundler

Once you have satisfied the pre-requisites, install the Ruby Gem dependencies:

bundle install

This will install Jekyll which is used to compile the site.

Now fire up Jekyll:

jekyll serve --watch

This will start up a web server at http://localhost:4000 that will serve the site content on your computer.

Whenever you make a change, Jekyll will automatically re-compile the site's content and it will instantly be available in your local copy for you to play with.

That's it!