codeasashu / swagman

A Postman to swagger api converter using openAPI v3
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This project is now deprecated in favour of Openman. This means, if you are facing issues, try to use openman and see if it resolves them. If not, file issue over there. This project had issues from start and hence needed a rewrite.


This tool converts your postman collection to OpenAPISpec v3 definition. You can easily import it in your swagger UI and hence the name Swagman


NOTE - You must have Python 3.5+ installed

To install, simply clone the repo and do a pip install:

git clone

pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick Start

Create postman examples

Create a postman collection with some examples. Make sure you add some responses in your examples. Swagman will use the responses from examples and that is essential to form the response schema.

Export your postman collection/request into a json file

Running the swagman

Now, you can simply point the swagman to your exported postman file and give it a output filename to export schema to.

python postman-export.json swagger-schema.yaml

This will convert your postman-export.json file to swagger-schema.yaml file.


Available options are:


  -f, --format TEXT  Format to output. One of json or yaml. Default is yaml
  -i, --ignore TEXT  Ignore file in yaml or json
  --help             Show this message and exit.

Ignoring partial API Responses

Sometimes, your api responses have some data which varies. For instance, consider this response for the api POST /user:

    "result": {
        "timestamp": 1572696732,
        "username": "abc",
        "tags": {
            "tag1" : "something",
            "tag3": "somethig else"
        "some-changing-key": "whatever"

You do want to record the username, timestamp fields, but what about some-changing-key field? What about fields inside tags? You want to keep the tags key as it will always be included in response, but do not want to keep some-changing-key as it may or maynot appear in responses.

Sometimes you may want to ignore only the values of a key, while sometimes you want the key value pair to be ignored alltogether

For such cases, you may not want to document them. For such purpose, Ignore file is used.

In ignore file, you can document the fields you want the swagman to ignore. It uses the jsonpath-rw library and uses its syntax (which is quite easy to learn).

To ignore only values but keep the keys, simple use the jsonpath-rw syntax that points to the key. For ex- $.result.tags.[*] will find everything inside tags field in result object.

To ignore both key and values, simply use the above method, i.e. write your jsonpath-rw regex that matches the path, and append :a to it. For example, if you want to delete everything inside tag including tag field itself, you can do so by: $.result.tags.[*]:a

Taking above example, you want to ignore following fields:

You can define them in a file ignore.yaml as such:

         - '$.result.tags.[*]' //Ignore everything inside tags field
         - '$.result.some-changing-key:a' //Ignore 'some-changing-key'. Note the leading :a 

and then you can convert your postman collection to swagger definition without these fields:

python -i ignore.yaml postman-export.json swagger.yaml

PS: Leading :a in jsonpath-rw syntax with ignore both the key and values, otherwise only values are ignored.

Change swagger format

The default output conversion format is yaml. However, you can easily change the format to json by:

python -f json postman-export.json swagger.json