sbt plugin for deploying play2.2 applications to Sina App Engine (with jetty7.4.x)
create a play application by $play new YourSaeAppName or skip this step when porting existing project.
add the following lines to 'YourSaeAppName/project/plugins.sbt',
resolvers += Resolver.url("codeck repo", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
addSbtPlugin("org.codeck.play2sae" % "sbt-plugin" % "0.3.3")
add the following lines to 'YourSaeAppName/build.sbt',
import org.codeck.play2sae.sbtPlugin //this line should be add on top
resolvers += Resolver.url("codeck repo", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
play2sae will create a webxml when packaging.
create 'YourSaeAppName/app/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml' when you need a customized web.xml
play2sae will create default db with info from SaeUserInfo
edit 'YourSaeAppName/conf/application.conf' when you need a customized web.xml (here is a template)
extract to *'YourSaeAppName/lib'" when you need SAE sdks.
play2sae will automatically strip sdk jars from final .war file.
"package" command in Play console are ready to package .war file for SAE now.
simplest app(by "$play new"), computer-database and zentasks(TODO) are deployed for demo
original (servlet wrapper) code from with modification for play2.2
(war) packaging task by