codeclimate / python-test-reporter

DEPRECATED Uploads Python test coverage data to Code Climate
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ci code-quality codeclimate continuous-integration coverage-report python quality test-coverage

codeclimate-test-reporter - [DEPRECATED]

These configuration instructions refer to a language-specific test reporter which is now deprecated in favor of our new unified test reporter client. The new test reporter is faster, distributed as a static binary, has support for parallelized CI builds, and will receive ongoing support by the team here. The existing test reporters for Ruby, Python, PHP, and Javascript are now deprecated. Code Climate Test Coverage PyPI version

Collects test coverage data from your Python test suite and sends it to Code Climate's hosted, automated code review service.

Code Climate -

Uploading Your Test Coverage Report

The codeclimate-test-reporter is compatible with coverage reports. By default, will generate a .coverage file in the current directory. codeclimate-test-reporter, run without arguments, will look for a coverage report at this default location.

Note: The codeclimate-test-reporter requires a repo token from, so if you don't have one, the first step is to signup and configure your repo. Then:

You can place the repo token in the environment under the key CODECLIMATE_REPO_TOKEN or pass the token as a CLI argument:

$ CODECLIMATE_REPO_TOKEN=[token] codeclimate-test-reporter
Submitting payload to done!
$ codeclimate-test-reporter --token [token]
Submitting payload to done!

We recommend configuring the repo token in the environment through your CI settings which will hide the value during runs. The token should be considered a scoped password. Anyone with the token can submit test coverage data to your Code Climate repo.

# CODECLIMATE_REPO_TOKEN already set in env
$ codeclimate-test-reporter
Submitting payload to done!

Generating Coverage Reports

To generate a coverage report with pytest, you can use the pytest-cov plugin:

$ py.test --cov=your_package tests/
TOTAL                                                     284     27    90%

======================== 14 passed in 0.75 seconds ========================

To generate a coverage report with nose, you can use the nose cover plugin:

$ nosetests --with-coverage --cover-erase --cover-package=your_package
TOTAL                                                284     27    90%
Ran 14 tests in 0.743s


By default, will create the test coverage report at ./.coverage. If you configure to generate a coverage report at an alternate location, pass that to the codeclimate-test-reporter:

$ codeclimate-test-reporter --file ./alternate/location/.coverage
Submitting payload to done!


You can install the codeclimate-test-reporter using pip:

$ pip install codeclimate-test-reporter
Successfully installed codeclimate-test-reporter-[version]

Or you can add the reporter to your requirements.txt file and install it along with other project dependencies:

# requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Successfully installed codeclimate-test-reporter-[version]

Important FYIs

Across the many different testing frameworks, setups, and environments, there are lots of variables at play. Before setting up test coverage, it's important to understand what we do and do not currently support:


If you're having trouble setting up or working with our test coverage feature, see our detailed help doc, which covers the most common issues encountered.

If the issue persists, feel free to open up an issue here or contact help with debug information from the reporter:

$ codeclimate-test-reporter --debug
codeclimate-test-reporter [version]
Requests 2.9.1
Python 3.5.1 (default, Jan 22 2016, 08:54:32)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 7.0.2 (clang-700.1.81)]
Darwin 15.4.0


Patches, bug fixes, feature requests, and pull requests are welcome.


A Dockerfile is included for developer convenience. Simply run make test to run the test suite and coverage report.

To release a new version, first run ./bin/prep-release [version] to bump the version and open a PR on GitHub.

Once the PR is merged, run make release to publish the new version to pypy and create a tag on GitHub. This step requires pypy credentials at ~/.pypirc. You can copy this repo's .pypirc.sample file as a starting point.
