codecov / basic-test-results

GitHub Actions to collect test results and emit a PR comment about the test status.
MIT License
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Basic Test Results lets you easily find test run failures as a pull request comment. All analysis is done locally on your CI. This is a standalone test results action that does not include code coverage or other metrics. Using this action does not require signing up to Codecov or any other service.

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🛠️ Setup

This action currently works only with the JUnit XML format. The action processes a JUnit XML test report locally and outputs results as a formatted PR comment.


Input Description Required
github-token The secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN to be able to interact with the current PR and comment on it. Required
directory Directory to search for test result reports. Will run test processing on all files in the directory. Optional
disable-search Disable search for test result files. This is helpful when specifying what files you want to run test report processing with the --file option. Optional
exclude Directories to exclude from search. Optional
file Path to the JUnit file to run test result processing. Optional
version Specify which version of the Codecov CLI should be used. Defaults to latest. Optional

Example Usage

Basic Usage for Single File

  - ...
  - name: Test with Pytest exporting JUnit file
    run: |
      pytest --cov --junitxml=junit.xml
  - name: Run Basic Test Results Action
    uses: codecov/basic-test-results@v1
      github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      file: junit.xml
      disable-search: true

Aggregating Multiple Test Files

If the CI includes multiple test files that we want to output one report for, then the files will need to be uploaded as an artifact and then downloaded into a directory.

    - ...
    - name: Test with Pytest exporting JUnit file
      run: |
        pytest --cov --junitxml=junit.xml
    - name: Upload artifacts for test-results-processing
      if: ${{ !cancelled() && github.event_name == 'pull_request'}}
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
        name: python-junit.xml
        path: junit.xml

    - ...
    - name: Test with Jest exporting JUnit file
      run: |
        JEST_JUNIT_OUTPUT_NAME="junit.xml" jest
    - name: Upload artifacts for test-results-processing
      if: ${{ !cancelled() && github.event_name == 'pull_request'}}
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
        name: jest-junit.xml
        path: junit.xml

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: [run-python-stuff, run-jest-stuff]
      - name: Download all test results
        uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
          pattern: '*junit.xml'
          path: 'test_results'
          merge-multiple: true
      - name: Run Basic Test Results Action
        uses: codecov/basic-test-results@v1
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          directory: 'test_results'


How should the comment show up?

basic-test-results should create (or update an existing) comment when it is triggered. image

The assumption is that there will be one comment per PR, and that it gets updated on every PR push update. If you see multiple messages, that means that there was a race condition when creating the first message.

To avoid having the race condition, please ensure that you run basic-test-results only once in your CI. You can call basic-test-results for multiple JUnit files; please see this section on how to set this up.