codeeu / codeweek - Laravel Codebase
MIT License
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Codeweek Laravel

A grassroots initiative run by volunteers and supported by the European Commission.



Step 1

Begin by cloning this repository to your machine, and installing all Composer & NPM dependencies.

git clone
cd codeweek && composer install 

Step 2

  1. Create .env based on .env.example file, and add your database credentials and the email that will be set as administrator.

Step 3

Create the database with the default values

php artisan key:generate
chmod -R 777 storage
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
php artisan vue-i18n:generate
npm install
npm run dev

Step 5

Edit the php config file and increase the

Step 4

  1. Next, boot up a server and visit your site. If using a tool like Laravel Valet, of course the URL will default to http://codeweek.test.
  2. Visit: http://codeweek.test/register to register a new account.