codefaux / persistence

Add some Lite to your Rogue
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link
noita noita-mod noitagame

Add some Lite to your Rogue

Credit to the original author; The mod has undergone a near full rewrite, but without their work this wouldn't have existed. The original author wishes to thank the great modding community on the official Noita Discord server Without them they would not been able to create this mod. I consider Discord an ephemeral information source, which is wasteful of the human resources supporting it. I used the wiki, github, and mods (example and otherwise) to acquire my knowledge. Informational efforts would be better suited on a wiki or other quasi-permanent platform than a user-required chat which by necessity fades to history and is fully lost.

I'm happy to share any and all of my modding knowledge to anyone who asks.

Finally, my github repo can be found at

Now, on with the details:

Persistence has configurable options in the Mod Options menu. Browse this menu to tune difficulty to your tastes, but defaults are a good starting point.

There are five player profile slots. (Slot 5 is only accessible via Mod Options menu)

'Persistence areas' have been added. Persistence areas count as the player's spawn location and Holy Mountains. The Persistence features described below will only work inside a Persistence Area.




A scanner runs while you explore the world. The scanner is a quality of life feature for Persistence, which can be disabled in Mod Options.

Many thanks to everyone using the mod, and doubly so to anyone who reports an issue, suggests a feature, or just says thanks. I'd like to thank people directly, but I don't want to violate anyone's privacy. If you've made a suggestion I've implemented or reported an issue and would like credit, contact me and tell me how to address you.