codeforamerica / city_developer_resources

API and Open Source project documentation site for cities that (hopefully) doesn't suck.
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City Developer API Documentation

An API documentation app for cities that doesn't suck


8/24/2012 The documentation for this app is currently under development. Please check back soon for updates.



This API documentation app works great with the Apache2 web server. It assumes the following Apache site configuration:

note: if any changes were made to enable mod_rewrite and/or configure a virtual host then you must restart apache

Once you have set your main Apache configuration, you can simply clone this application into the root directory you defined in the VirtualHost configuration. For example, if you said the VirtualHost document root is /var/www/api_docs, then you can run:

$ cd /var/www
$ git clone \
    git:// \

Now you will have the api documentation app available on your server at /var/www/api_docs.

Note that the app root folder includes an .htaccess file. This file contains the necessary redirection for using the HTML5 History API (pushState) and the release distribution assets and looks like this:

# Remove the trailing slash from routes
DirectorySlash Off

# Enable the RewriteEngine
RewriteEngine on

# Map resources to release distribution
RewriteRule ^app/(.*)$ dist/release/$1 [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^assets/js/libs/(.*)$ dist/release/$1 [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^assets/css/(.*)$ dist/release/$1 [NC,L]

# These conditions ensure that the file does not exist and that the current
# request URI is not the index.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !index

# Redirect remaining requests to the index.html file
RewriteRule (.*) index.html [NC,L]

You can modify this file as required but please be cautions about changing the RewriteRules since they are absolutly required in order for this application to function properly.

At this point, you should be able to navigate to the directory on your server that is hosting the instance of the app and view it.


City of Chicago Developer Resources (current):

This app was tested with:

Node: 0.6.18
NPM: 1.1.21
bbb: 0.1.10