sudo npm install expo-cli --global
Get a copy of the app code using the command line:
$ cd [desired directory]
$ git clone
$ npm install
$ expo start
By using the expo mobile app, you will be able to test the app in both iOS & Android. However, you will need a smart phone that can connect to the same network as the computer running expo.
$ expo start
$ expo start
Expo should be able to detect Genymotion and open an emulator for you.
Sadly, you must have a mac to run the iOS emulator. If you're on a Windows machine, try using the expo mobile app to
$ sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
(you only need to do this once)$ expo start
There is a script defined in package.json that allows you to run the tests as follows from the project root:
$ npm test
! NOTE: this is now handled by Circle CI every time we merge into master, so normally you shouldn't need to do this. But... the more you know...
Not everyone on the project has the app set up locally so when we have changes that we want to share with the entire team (eg, when we merge something to master), we need to publish those to shared locations. Expo allows us to do exactly that.
To publish:
$ expo logout
$ expo login
? Username/Email Address: MoneyOnMyMind
? Password: [hidden]
$ expo publish
Your URL is
iOS prevents you from viewing projects on another person's expo account. For development purposes we get around that as follows: