codeforthailand / databuri

All-in-one Python package for Thailand's public APIs and datasets
MIT License
5 stars 3 forks source link
beta opendata

DataBuri (stil in beta version)

All-in-one Python package for Thailand's public APIs.

This package aims to provide a unified interface to retrieve data from Thailand's public data APIs or datasets with minimum configurations needed.

The package has 2 major parts: datasource & dataset.

  1. Datasource is related to public APIs. Most likely, every module in this part is developed for each data API. Mostly likely, these modules are just REST clients with options to specify authentication keys.

  2. Dataset is mainly for static datasets, mainly for training ML algorithms.

Remark: DataBuri is still under development. A couple of functionalities have been implemented but their signatures might be changed without any annoucement.


$ pip install databuri

APIs Implemented

Name Description
GovSpending Thai government procurement projects
Air4Thai Air quality measurements in Thailand

APIs to be included



  1. Bump version
    $ bumpversion [major|minor|patch]
    $ git push && git push --tags
  2. Publish to pypi
    $ ./scripts/ <tag>

    Build documentation

  3. cd ./docs
  4. make html && ./

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