codehag / documenting-invariants

Proposal to document design invariants in TC39
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Documenting Invariants and Design Principles

Part of the work that we do at TC39 is ensuring that as the language changes, certain properties of the language remain. We have been referring to them as invariants. Some of them are written down, but not all of them. The work around maintaining unwritten invariants usually falls onto a single member or delegate, whose absence may result in certain decisions being taken that then need to be adjusted.

Additionally, during the search for invariants another issue was brought up -- that of properties of the specification that should be true going into the future. These have been temporarily termed "design principles" with the name pending discussion.

The goal of this repository is to define a format in which invariants can be introduced into the specification. So far, we have discussed the following as important features of an invariant. For Design Principles, there is still ongoing discussion of their exact form, but a rough sketch is provided.

Features of an invariant

Known invariants are collected here.

Intended Representation of an Invariant

Features of a Design Principle

Known Design Principles are collected here.


Please open an issue or a pull request if you see something missing here.

The process for adding an invariant to the specification has yet to be defined. We have a few options, the most obvious one is using the same proposal process as what we have for new features. Alternatively, there is a case for a lighter weight process like what we do for normative specification adjustments. Comments and ideas on this are welcome.