codekoenig / AspNetCore.Identity.DocumentDb

A Cosmos DB / DocumentDB Storage Provider for ASP.NET Core Identity
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aspnetcore aspnetcore-identity azure cosmos-db cosmosdb documentdb identity


AspNetCore.Identity.DocumentDb is a storage provider for ASP.NET Core Identity that allows you to use Azure DocumentDB as it's data store instead of the default SQL Server store. It supports all features of Identity, including full role support and external authentication services.

Framework support

Add AspNetCore.Identity.DocumentDb to your project with NuGet

Run the following command in Package Manager Console:

Install-Package CodeKoenig.AspNetCore.Identity.DocumentDb

Supported Identity features

Quickstart in ASP.NET MVC Core

AspNetCore.Identity.DocumentDb works just like the default SQL Server storage provider:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // Add DocumentDb client singleton instance (it's recommended to use a singleton instance for it)
    services.AddSingleton<IDocumentClient>(new DocumentClient("https://localhost:8081/", "YourAuthorizationKey");

    // Add framework services.
    services.AddIdentity<DocumentDbIdentityUser, DocumentDbIdentityRole>()
        .AddDocumentDbStores(options =>
            options.Database = "YourDocumentDbDatabase";
            options.UserStoreDocumentCollection = "YourDocumentDbCollection";

    // Further service configurations ...

Important: AspNetCore.Identity.DocumentDb won't create any database or document collection in your DocumentDB. You have to take care that the database and any document collection that you want to use with it already exists.

For a complete working sample, look at the sample project in the /samples folder in this repository.

A deeper look

Storing roles

AspNetCore.Identity.DocumentDB supports roles. If you do not specify a separate collection for the role store, AspNetCore.Identity.DocumentDB will store roles in the collection that is already used for users. This is fully supported.

To specify a separate collection as the role store, pass the name of this collection in the DocumentDbOptions:

services.AddIdentity<DocumentDbIdentityUser, DocumentDbIdentityRole>()
    .AddDocumentDbStores(options =>
        options.Database = "YourDocumentDbDatabase";
        options.UserStoreDocumentCollection = "YourUsersDocumentDbCollection";
        options.RoleStoreDocumentCollection = "YourRolesDocumentCollection";

As with the user store collection and database, also the role collection won't be created by AspNetCore.Identity.DocumentDB if it doesn't exist. Make sure the collection is created beforehand.

Storing users and/or roles together with other documents in the same collection

As well as you can store users and roles in the same collection, it is also supported to store users and roles together with any other document. To be able to distinct users and roles from other documents, AspNetCore.Identity.DocumentDB stores the type name of the user and role class with the document in the documentType property.

Automatic partitioning

AspNetCore.Identity.DocumentDB does currently not support automatic partitioning in DocumentDB. Currently you can store users and roles only in a single partition (or in two separate partitions for users and roles).

Support for automatic partitioning is planned for a future release.


As you need to create the document collections to store users and roles yourself, you are also responsible for setting up indexes in those document collections. If you go with the default index everything approach, you're good. If you want to use a more granular indexing approach to save storage and reduce RU cost on writing new documents, here's a recommendation which properties should be indexed for best possible read performance:

Custom user and role classes

You can inherit from DocumentDbIdentityUser as well as from DocumentDbIdentityRole if you want to extend those classes. Any additional properties that you provide will be stored in (and also retrieved from) DocumentDB.

Restrictions on the ID of a document

There are no restrictions. You can use whatever you see fit. If you don't set an ID for your user or role document before you store it for the first time, AspNetCore.Identity.DocumentDB will generate a GUID for the ID automatically, though.


This project utilizes a mix of unit and integration tests implemented in xUnit. Integration tests need a running test instance of DocumentDb to create a temporary test database - it is recommended to use the local emulator for this, but a test instance in Azure will also work fine.