codelaboc / hellocodelab

Experimenting with code every other Monday in OC 🔬
12 stars 2 forks source link (previously Selfie-A-Day) #16

Open dotproto opened 7 years ago

dotproto commented 7 years ago

Basic Idea

Web app that lets you take a selfie every day. After you've collected several photos, you can turn it into a video of how you've changed over time. Here's an extreme example:

Photos are saved locally and backed up to Firebase for persistent storage. There are tons of possible features like guidelines to help you line up your face, offline-first user experience, automatically emailing a gif to the user once a week/month/year, etc.

Technologies involved

dotproto commented 7 years ago

This is a project I've been meaning to get around to forever and have the domain for the project.

leighphan commented 7 years ago

@svincent I'm interested in contributing in whatever way I can!

dotproto commented 7 years ago

@leighphan Happy to have the help! I need to throw together a quick Twitter timeline demo at the pairing meetup tonight, but after that I'd be happy to start working on setting up the basics of the project with you 😁