codelaboc / hellocodelab

Experimenting with code every other Monday in OC πŸ”¬
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πŸŠπŸ”¬ Welcome to CodeLab OC! :alembic:

CodeLab is a community for programmers of all levels and backgrounds getting together to learn and build coding projects. Whether you're learning to code for the first time, or are an experienced programmer learning a new language, all ages, levels, and backgrounds are welcome.

CodeLab OC Mission & Code of Conduct

CodeLab aims to create an all-inclusive, welcoming, supportive community and environment to learn and build code. All community members shall agree to our Code of Conduct.

Where to find us πŸ—Ί

We meet every Monday night at Pro Desk Space in Downtown Fullerton. Check our latest events and RSVP.

Learning together :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

We learn together by Pair Programming in which one person drives the computer while both partners talk through finding the solution to coding challenges.

At CodeLab we pair program with You can read more about and get set up on Exercism here.

πŸŽ‰ Sponsors

Much love and thanks to our venue sponsor, Pro Desk Space for hosting us!

Say hello and keep in touch!

Follow us at @CodeLabOC! For more info, see the CodeLab Official Site