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[Private Project][Potential-Impromptu-Progress-Report] CCC-Info #21

Closed chengyus closed 7 years ago

chengyus commented 7 years ago

I am not good at presentation (and probably don't have much time to type up a Presentation), but if you guys/gals are interested in a progress report on what I am working on privately, I could give a short progress report of what I am working on---ChineseCatholicChurch-Info (CCC-Info). It's a localhost app I am working on.

The first report I would probably just touch base on its and how it looks and a brief commit history scrolling. (5-10 minutes, but separate off-line/slack/in-person discussion for those interested in helping. But please keep in mind I prefer to keep repo private, so in case there are other developers interested in helping to commit, it'd be on GitLab, not Github, since I don't really want to change my github account to a $7/month to host private repo. And honestly for this project it's more about digitizing and representing how the sheet look in its original form, Less about invention and coding intellect.)

(I am interested in joining the OpenData-Mapping project, so this is not much a project to share or invite since most of the time consuming work would be to enter data using ActiveAdmin or GoogleSpreadSheet or Rails Console). But if anyone is generous enough to help me out, I would really appreciate it.