codelaboc / hellocodelab

Experimenting with code every other Monday in OC 🔬
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[CodeLab 003] Mon., Aug 29, 2016 #23

Closed leighphan closed 7 years ago

leighphan commented 7 years ago

August 29, 2016: CodeLab 003

Location: Pro Desk Space

Attendees: Leigh Daniel Stoil Joseph Simeon Holly Ashley Bill Jorg Daniel Kevin Kami

Thanks to our sponsors Yeti Media & Pro Desk Space for food & drinks!

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Feel free to add anything missed

bluAsterisk commented 7 years ago

I know C, C++, Java, and I'm learning Assembly Language with x86 processors!

ghost commented 7 years ago

Working on learning javascript and python 😄

kangashley commented 7 years ago

JavaScript (+ libraries like Leaflet & p5), Java, Ruby (+ Rails), data structures & algorithms

DerCSpringer commented 7 years ago

Daniel: learning swift, and I know objective-c, java, c++ Project: "Life Planning" on Apple app store

dotproto commented 7 years ago

Simeon here! I'm working on learning JavaScript, specifically ES2015/ES2016 features. Also want to explore new web tech.

Today I'm panning to work on! Issue #16 describes the project in detail.

interdigitize commented 7 years ago

Kamie: I am learning JavaScript & Processing. The project I am working on is called Fortune Kooky.

davidws22 commented 7 years ago

knowledge of c++, c, java. Wanting to learn python

chengyus commented 7 years ago

Joseph: Language: Ruby (on Rails), Coffeescript, Interested in learning latest Javascript (7th Edition - ECMAScript 2016), working on private Project: CCC-info (#21), but also interested on working on working open data & map based projects from the 2nd week project sharing.

stoilsky commented 7 years ago

Stoil visiting from Europe, I work with C# and JavaScript: I'm working on 2D Unity game with pvp multiplayer playable over the interwebs: Language is C#

wdalessi commented 7 years ago

Javascript and Java. Javascript to help with WordPress, etc.

jorggaubmann commented 7 years ago

Jorg: Fullerton. Work with .NET or as some say .NOT! would like to expand my knowledge in application development.