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[CodeLab 005] Mon., Sep 26, 2016 #25

Closed leighphan closed 7 years ago

leighphan commented 7 years ago

🎉 September 26, 2016: CodeLab 005 in Session ☀️🔬⚗

Location: Pro Desk Space

Attendees: @svincent (Simeon) @lapaperboy (Kristopher) @leighphan (Leigh) @gr2m (Gregor) @hollyhaho (Holly) @7hru57 (Michael Lee) @jonofcho (Jon Cho) @Nisageee (Nisa)

Stand Up

We did a roundtable to share introductions, interests, challenges, along with personal fun facts.

Simeon (@svincent): Here to help beginners! On the side, working on researching web components. Kristopher (@lapaperboy): Writer-Journo who writes transportation. Currently working on a book! Leigh (@leighphan): Learning JS to apply to interactive mapping. Gregor (@gr2m): Visiting from LA (FullstackLA). A founder of, an open source platform providing a backend for web applications. Welcome! 🌟 Holly (@hollyhaho): CSUF CS student, breaking out of the curriculum and learning JS on exercism! Michael (@7hru57): Software dev; trying out new meetups in OC. Learning Python on exercism! Welcome 🌟 Jon (@jonofcho): Rails developer, CSULB alum. Building online alumni network for KASA student group (Korean American Student Assoc.). Nisa (@Nisageee): First time at CodeLab. Working on learning Swift! 🌟

In the Lab

Simeon coached Leigh & Kristopher as they worked on Javascript track on exercism. Initially we tried installing exercism on Chromebook, which requires:

Holly, Gregor, worked on Javascript exercism track. Michael worked on Python on exercism. 😈 🐍 Nisa worked on personal projects while updating Xcode.

📢 Announcements! 📅

[ Oct. 15, 2016 ] Girl Develop It Study Group - Fullerton Edition Girl Develop It is a community offering workshops and courses in web development for women-identifying learners. GDI is women-inclusive, not women-exclusive - come join us for the first Fullerton GDI LA Study Group!

[ Oct. 16, 2016 ] CodeLab x FullstackLA Hacktoberfest / boba.js Hacktoberfest is a hackathon event started by GitHub + Digital Ocean to encourage and introduce involvement in open source projects. This event is in collaboration with our pals at FullstackLA and will take place at Pro Desk Space.

Submit 4+ pull requests and get a limited edition Hacktoberfest 2016 t-shirt! We'll be venturing around Downtown Fullerton for local snacks and boba. :)

[ Oct. 21, 2016 ] Software Craftsmanship North America @ USC

[ Oct. 21-22, 2016 ] Rails Girls LA Come learn or mentor a weekend workshop for Ruby on Rails. Apply by Oct. 8!

[ Oct. 22-23, 2016 ] Girl Develop It Website Weekend Join teams in this GDI hackathon to build websites for non-profits!

Plans for Next Meeting (9/26)

Stand Up/Show & Tell

Share with us any progress and roadblocks, tears and all.

Pair Programming

Share which exercism challenges you tested, passed, what issues you had! Stay in touch on our CodeLab exercism group. If you need any help, find us on Slack :)

Look out for us on Meetup to RSVP and invite others. See you next time! 👋

ghost commented 7 years ago

I like these recaps!