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[CodeLab 006] Mon., Oct 10, 2016 #26

Closed leighphan closed 7 years ago

leighphan commented 7 years ago

πŸŽ‰ October 10, 2016: CodeLab 006 in Session πŸ”¬:alembic:

Location: Pro Desk Space

Attendees: @svincent (Simeon) @lapaperboy (Kristopher) @leighphan (Leigh) @hollyhaho (Holly) @bluAsterisk (Kevin) @ennaim (Mustapha) 🌟 @som1else (Sam) 🌟 @ghalander (Hector) 🌟 ( 🌟 = Welcome to First Timers at CodeLab!)

Stand Up

We did a roundtable to share introductions, interests, challenges, along with personal fun facts.

Simeon: Here to help answer questions! Continuing research on web components. Kristopher: Writer/journo by day; Learning JS. Leigh: Learning JS to apply to web mapping and data vis. Holly: Background in C++, learning JS. Kevin: CS student at FC; breaking out of the school curriculum and learning JS Mustapha: Learning HTML, CSS, JS Sam: Interested in info security; currently learning Python. Knows a little bit about a lot of languages! Hector: CS student at FC; learning JS

In the Lab

Open Source -- What's it all about? In preparation for Hacktoberfest this Sunday in partnership with FullstackLA, we went over Hacktober, and event organized by GitHub and Digital Ocean to encourage participation in open source projects.

Open Source Software (OSS) projects are built under open source licenses and built by an open community -- meaning anyone can contribute to changing, building, and improving the software! Some examples include Linux, GitHub, jQuery, Mac Homebrew, and Hoodie, to name a few. Many OSS projects are managed on GitHub.

This Sunday we'll be introducing anyone new to Open Source projects to how it works, and how to submit changes on GitHub (submitting a Pull Request)! We'll also go over the basics of Git and GitHub! :octocat:

Exercism Holly & Leigh paired on JS exercism. Completed two and submitted RNA-transformation! Kristopher & Simeon paired and got exercism, cloud9 set up on the Chromebook! Mustapha & Hector worked on installing exercism and the JS track. Kevin & Sam paired on JS exercism.

πŸ“’ Announcements! πŸ“…


[ Oct. 15, 2016 ] Girl Develop It Study Group - Fullerton Edition Girl Develop It is a community offering workshops and courses in web development for women-identifying learners. GDI is women-inclusive, not women-exclusive - come join us for the first Fullerton GDI LA Study Group!

[ Oct. 16, 2016 ] CodeLab x FullstackLA Hacktoberfest / boba.js** Hacktoberfest is a hackathon event started by GitHub + Digital Ocean to encourage and introduce involvement in open source projects. This event is in collaboration with our pals at FullstackLA and will take place at Pro Desk Space.

Submit 4+ pull requests and get a limited edition Hacktoberfest 2016 t-shirt! We'll be venturing around Downtown Fullerton for local snacks and boba. :)

[ Oct. 21, 2016 ] Software Craftsmanship North America @ USC Grants to cover registration are available for individuals from underrepresented groups

[ Oct. 21-22, 2016 ] Rails Girls LA Come learn or mentor a weekend workshop for Ruby on Rails. Apply by Oct. 8!

[ Oct. 22-23, 2016 ] Girl Develop It Website Weekend Join teams in this GDI hackathon to build websites for non-profits!

[ Oct 21-23 ] Citrus Hack @ UC Riverside

Plans for Next Meeting (9/26)

Stand Up/Show & Tell

Look out for us on Meetup to RSVP and invite others. See you next time! πŸ‘‹