codemonauts / craft-instagram-feed

Craft CMS plugin to receive Instragram feed data as variable in templates
MIT License
27 stars 7 forks source link

No feed items. Error: "Unknown response from Instagram. Please check debug output" #68

Closed localhorst closed 1 year ago

localhorst commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug:

No feed data on local craft installation Errors in web.log:

2023-03-22 19:36:37 [web.INFO] [instagramfeed] Get feed for "codemonauts" {"memory":6821280} 
2023-03-22 19:36:37 [web.INFO] [instagramfeed] No cached data found, start fetching Instagram page. {"memory":6821720} 
2023-03-22 19:36:37 [web.ERROR] [instagramfeed] Unknown response from Instagram. Please check debug output in devMode. {"memory":7143288} 
2023-03-22 19:36:37 [web.INFO] [application] Wrote Instagram response to /var/www/html/storage/runtime/instagramfeed/1679513797 {"memory":7151384} 
2023-03-22 19:36:37 [web.INFO] [instagramfeed] Cache is empty and no items could be fetched. Stopping requests for 900 seconds. {"memory":6861712} 

File 1679513797 can be opened, it shows the splash page from Instagram.

This might be related to #28, but it happens on my local development enviroment.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install & configure Plugin
  2. Create twig template
  3. Get items with craft.instagram.getFeed() and craft.instagram.getFeed('my-instagram-handle')

Where is it happening?

What are you requesting: Username: (public profile of my client), codemonauts

Config file:


use craft\helpers\App;

return [
    'instagramUser' => App::env('INSTAGRAM_USER'),
    'timeout' => 15,
    'dump' => false,
    'useVolume' => true,
    'volume' => 'contentVolume',
    'subpath' => 'instagram-bilder'

Software versions: Plugin Version: 2.1.0 PHP Version: 8.1 CraftCMS Version: 4.3.3

Coru89 commented 1 year ago

having the exact same issue in local host with ddev

kringkaste commented 1 year ago

Send information about the proxy.