codemonauts / craft-instagram-feed

Craft CMS plugin to receive Instragram feed data as variable in templates
MIT License
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cms craft craft-plugin craftcms feed instagram

Instagram feed plugin for Craft CMS


A plugin for Craft CMS that helps you get your Instagram feed data.


If you want to add your (or someone else) Instagram feed on your site, you can use this plugin to fetch and cache the feed. It returns the image source, the number of likes and comments and the shortcode of the posts.

This only works with public profiles.



Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:

cd /path/to/project
composer require codemonauts/craft-instagram-feed
./craft plugin/install instagramfeed

You can also install the plugin via the Plugin Store in the Craft Control Panel.


You find the plugin documentation here.

Blocked requests

As you know, Instagram is a Walled Garden, and they are not very happy to see their data on other sites. And they are heavily working on blocking requests not coming from their platforms. So something can break in this plugin at anytime, when trying to fetch the feed.

Known actions from Instagram:

Please be aware, that you use this plugin at your own risk. Please use this plugin only in a fair manner, for example to show the images of your own Instagram account on your website and link them back to the original post on Instagram. This symbiosis should be fine for Instagram.

With ❤ by codemonauts