codeproducer198 / Runalyze

Continue RUNALYZE 4.3.0 self-hosted.
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[RUNALYZE v4.3.0] Release with minor fixes/changes.

This fork of Runalyze is a release fork with all needed dependencies and can be used directly with Docker. I have done some small fixes/imporvements. Because it based on the Release 4.3.0 i hope it is more future-proof in an "old" docker container.

I host it on a private Pine64 Rock64 SOC computer to host my family activities (running, walking, mountain climbing, swimming). It runs on a Debian Buster/ARM64 in a Docker container serviced with docker-compose. Debian 11 Bullseye supports PHP 7.4 and it runs without problems with some PHP warnings. As input GPS devices i use Garmin Forerunner 45S, Garmin Fenix 6 and Android-Handy with ApeMap/OruxMaps. I import my tacks without use of Garmin-Tools (like Garmin Connect) and so i think no of my private sensible health-data is transmit to the "public" cloud. If you need the Debian 10 Buster/PHP 7.3 version see the GIT tag v4.3.0_Debian10_PHP73; but this version is no more maintenance.

With my other Github project Clone of Tkl2Gpx i have imported my old running activities from the year 2012 until now into RUNALYZE. These old tracks are record with a GPS MapJack watch and transformed to GPX files imported via RUNYLZE bulk-job.

Here some fixes/improvements i have done in RUNALYZE (see details in the commits):

Please notice:

Database migration

For Migration of the Database use the commands: