coderplus / m2e-connector-for-maven-remote-resources-plugin

m2e connector for the maven-remote-resources-plugin
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maven-remote-resources m2e connector

This m2e connector for the Maven Remote Resources Plugin is designed to handle the bundle and process goals of the maven-remote-resources-plugin

Build Status


How do I use it?

First off, note that this is currently Beta code. It has been minimally tested, and all the usual early adopter warnings apply. That said if you're willing to help test the connector all you have to do is:

  1. Drag the Install button into your eclipse workspace to install the connector from the Eclipse Market place Install the Connector

    or use the update site

  2. Remove any lifecycle mapping metadata you might have had in your POMs for the remote-resources:bundle or remote-resources:process goals.

That's it! The connector will run on full builds. It will be executed on incremental builds only if something interesting to the plugin has changed.

How can I help the project?

Thanks for asking...


Many thanks to the folks from the m2e-dev mailing list