codersauce / red

:memo: Vimlike Modal Text Editor in Rust
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red - rusty editor

red is a research/passion project to create a modal text editor in Rust from scratch, using as minimal dependencies as possible.

red screenshot

Current status

This editor is being actively built on a series of streams and videos published to my CoderSauce YouTube channel here:

It is my intention to keep it stable starting at the first alpha release, but there are no guarantees. As such, use it at your discretion. Bad things can happen to your files, so don't use it yet for anything critical.

If you want to collaborate or discuss red's features, usage or anything, join our Discord:


This is a preliminary version of the final readme, but this section should get you up and running.

Clone the git repo

git clone
cd red

Install it

cargo install --path .

Configure it

mkdir -p ~/.config/red
cp default_config.toml ~/.config/red/config.toml
cp -R themes ~/.config/red

Run it

red <file-to-edit>


If you find any issues be more welcome to report them. Since red's still very immature and unstable make sure you check the known issues first:

Thank you so much for trying it! <3