codestorybro / blog
MIT License
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Welcome to my blog

Next.js static blog using Notion as a Content Management System (CMS). Supports both Blog format Post as well as Page format for Resume. Deployed using Vercel.


📒 Writing posts using notion

📄 Use as a page as resume

👀 SEO friendly


Click to see FAQ Q1: If you finish making avatar.svg, How to make favicon.ico and apple-touch-icon.png? A1: check out Q2: Is it necessary to set up a sitemap file? A2: The system will dynamically create a sitemap.xml, so there is no need for manual setup. Q3: Why don’t Notion posts update automatically? A3: Please set the revalidateTime in site.config.js and observe how long it takes to update. Q4: What should be entered for NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_MEASUREMENT_ID and NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_SITE_VERIFICATION in site.config.js? A4: You can check Please note that updates may take some time to take effect after setting. If you encounter any other issues, please feel free to add them to the GitHub README to assist future users. We look forward to your contributions!