codeswholesale / codeswholesale-sdk-php

A PHP wrapper for CodesWholesale's API
Apache License 2.0
36 stars 21 forks source link

CodesWholesale PHP SDK is an API-driven wholesale platform for digital game distribution. This is the CodesWholesale SDK for PHP that will enable developers to easily integrate API with any PHP-based application.


You can install codeswholesale-sdk-php via Composer or by downloading the source.

Via Composer:

codeswholesale-sdk-php is available on Packagist as the codeswholesale/sdk package.

Install Composer on your project root

curl -sS | php

Or download it from official page:

Configure the codeswholesale/sdk dependency in your 'composer.json' file:

"require": {
    "codeswholesale/sdk": "2.1"

Install the latest SDK with its dependencies on your project root

php composer.phar install

Create your CodesWholesale account

If you don’t have an account yet, sign up at CodesWholesale and set up your API credentials:

  1. Create a CodesWholesale account and create your API keys in WEB API tab, under your profile name link. Save your keys in safe place. Your API password is visible only once.

Getting Started

  1. Require the CodesWholesale PHP SDK via the composer auto loader

    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
  2. Configure the client using the API keys

    $params = [
        * API Keys
        * These are test api keys that can be used for testing your integration:
        'cw.client_id' => 'ff72ce315d1259e822f47d87d02d261e',
        'cw.client_secret' => '$2a$10$E2jVWDADFA5gh6zlRVcrlOOX01Q/HJoT6hXuDMJxek.YEo.lkO2T6',
         * CodesWholesale ENDPOINT
        'cw.endpoint_uri' => \CodesWholesale\CodesWholesale::SANDBOX_ENDPOINT,
         * Due to security reasons, you should use SessionStorage only while testing.
         * In order to go live, you should change it to database storage.
        'cw.token_storage' => new \CodesWholesale\Storage\TokenSessionStorage()
    $clientBuilder = new \CodesWholesale\ClientBuilder($params);
    $client = $clientBuilder->build();

    For production release, please remember to switch from SANDBOX endpoint to LIVE endpoint.

  3. List all available platforms, regions, languages on the CodesWholesale platform

    $platforms = $client->getPlatforms()
    $regions   = $client->getRegions();
    $languages = $client->getLanguages();
  4. List all products from the price list

    $products = $client->getProducts();
    foreach($products as $product) {
        $product->getName(); // the name of product
        $product->getStockQuantity(); // current stock quantity
        $product->getImageUrl(ImageType::SMALL) // product image url
  5. List all products from price list by language/platform/region

     $products = $client->getProducts([
           "language" => [
            "platform" => [
            "region" => [
    foreach($products as $product) {
        $product->getName(); // the name of product
        $product->getStockQuantity(); // current stock quantity
        $product->getImageUrl(ImageType::SMALL) // product image url
  6. List all products from price list from the last 60 days

    $products = $client->getProducts([
        "inStockDaysAgo" => 60
    foreach($products as $product) {
        $product->getName(); // the name of product
        $product->getStockQuantity(); // current stock quantity
        $product->getImageUrl(ImageType::SMALL) // product image url
  7. Fetch invoice for your order

    $orderInvoice = Invoice::get($createdOrder->getOrderId());
    $invoicePath = Base64Writer::writeInvoice($orderInvoice, "./invoices");
  8. Screen your customer before completing order

    $securityInformation = Security::check(
        "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_4) AppleWebKit/600.7.12 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.7 Safari/600.7.12",
    $ipBlacklisted = $security->isIpBlacklisted();
    $torIp = $security->isTorIp();
    $domainBlackListed = $security->isDomainBlacklisted();
    $subdomain = $security->isSubDomain();
  9. Check your order history

    $orders = Order::getHistory("2017-12-11", "2017-12-12");
    foreach ($orderList as $order) { 
        $order->getTotalPrice() ;
  10. Single product details

    $product = \CodesWholesale\Resource\Product::get($productHref);
  11. Retrieve product description

    $productDescription = \CodesWholesale\Resource\ProductDescription::get($product->getDescriptionHref());
    $productDescription->getLocalizedTitles(); // localized titles
    $productDescription->getPegiRating(); // pegi rating
    $productDescription->getPlatform(); // platform such as PC/Mac
    $productDescription->getFactSheets(); // description in different langauges
    $productDescription->getReleases(); // release dates
    $productDescription->getEditions(); // editions
    $productDescription->getDeveloperHomepage(); // game developer homepage
    $productDescription->getKeywords(); // keywords
    $productDescription->getGameLanguages(); // languages 
    $productDescription->getOfficialTitle(); // official title
    $productDescription->getDeveloperName(); // game developer name
    $productDescription->getEanCodes(); // EAN codes
    $productDescription->getLastUpdate(); // last game update
    $productDescription->getCategory(); // category of game 
    $productDescription->getPhotos(); // urls photo 
    $productDescription->getExtensionPacks(); // extension packs
    $productDescription->getVideos(); // urls video
    $productDescription->getProductId(); // product id
  12. Retrieve account details, balance value and available credit

    $account = $client->getAccount();
    $account->getFullName(); // name of account
    $account->getEmail(); // email
    $account->getTotalToUse(); // total money to use, balance + credit
    $account->getCurrentBalance(); // current balance value
    $account->getCurrentCredit(); // current credit value
  13. Create order

    $createdOrder = Order::createOrder(
                    "productId" => "6313677f-5219-47e4-a067-7401f55c5a3a",
                    "quantity" => "2",
            ], null);
    foreach ($createdOrder->getProducts() as $product) {
         foreach ($product->getCodes() as $code) {
              if ($code->isPreOrder()) {
                  echo "<b>Code has been pre-ordered!</b>" . " <br>";
              if ($code->isText()) {
                  echo "Text code to use: <b>" . $code->getCode() . "</b><br>";
              if ($code->isImage()) {
                  $fullPath = \CodesWholesale\Util\Base64Writer::writeImageCode($code, "./my-codes");
                  echo "Product has been saved in <b>" . $fullPath . "</b><br>";
  14. Receive notifications about product changes via Codeswholesale postback request

    To receive notifications from CodesWholesale, first you have to configure your postback URL that will be responsible for handling CodesWholesale requests. In order to do that, follow these steps:

    • Sign in to CodesWholesale
    • Go to API tab
    • Configure and test your post back url

    If the URL has been successfully configured, you should be able to handle CodesWholesale requests as follow

    $client->registerStockAndPriceChangeHandler(function (array $stockAndPriceChanges) {
        foreach ($stockAndPriceChanges as $stockAndPriceChange) {
             * Here you can save changes to your database
             * @var StockAndPriceChange $stockAndPriceChange
            echo $stockAndPriceChange->getProductId();
            echo $stockAndPriceChange->getQuantity();
            $prices = $stockAndPriceChange->getPrices();
            foreach ($prices as $price) {
                 * @var Price $price
                echo $price->getRange();
                echo $price->getValue();
            echo "<hr>";
    $client->registerHidingProductHandler(function (Notification $notification) {
         * Here you can request for product which was hidden or just hide it
         * using provided productId
        echo $notification->getProductId();
    $client->registerPreOrderAssignedHandler(function (AssignedPreOrder $notification) {
         * Here you can request for ordered product using productId
        echo $notification->getOrderId();
    $client->registerUpdateProductHandler(function (Notification $notification) {
         * Here you can request product which was updated.
         * It can be image, name or other product parameter.
        echo $notification->getProductId();
    $client->registerNewProductHandler(function(Notification $notification) {
         * Here you can request product which was updated.
         * It can be image, name or other product parameter.
        echo $notification->getProductId();

    If you send test request from the API tab and your script is configured to work with sandbox environment, it will download ten fake images.

You can check "examples" directory for more samples and details.

Copyright & Licensing

Copyright © 2014 Codeswholesale

This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 Open Source License.

For additional information, please see:

  1. fkooman OAuth2 client: