codetech / codetechcomputerclub

codeTech Computer Club's website.
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link

codeTech Computer Club (Website)

codeTech Computer Club was founded at Mira Costa College Oceanside in early-2013. Our goal was to bring together students, graduates, teachers, and industrymen, all who were aspiring to enter or who had experience in technology fields. We would share our knowledge and build great things together.

codeTech's website serves a few purposes:

Live Website


This project is led by Jackson Ray Hamilton ( Email him if you want to help out!

Further contact info is also available on our Contact page.


The website has dependencies that need to be installed with Composer.

Note on PHP:

You should open php.ini, Ctrl+F for display_errors, and set it to True. This way PHP will actually throw errors, which will make the installation process easier in case anything goes wrong.

Linux / Mac:

  1. Have git and php installed.
    • Debian: sudo apt-get install git php5
    • Mac (using Homebrew): brew install git
  2. Open a terminal and issue the following commands:
git clone
cd codetechcomputerclub
php bin/composer.phar install

Make the cache writable:

sudo chmod -R 777 app/tmp/cache/

You might also need to enable mod_rewrite:

sudo a2enmod rewrite && sudo service apache2 restart


  1. Install PHP if you haven't already.
  2. Download and extract the website's archive.
  3. Open a command prompt and navigate to the codetechcomputerclub folder you just extracted.
  4. Issue the following command, but replace c:\php\php.exe with your path to php.exe. (Figure out where it is.)
c:\php\php.exe bin\composer.phar install

If the above command doesn't work, install Composer on your system and then (in the codetechcomputerclub folder) issue the following command:

composer install

Set up the database:

  1. A database schema is located at bin/database.sql. Run the commands contained therein to set up the website's database.
    • In bash, you can issue the command mysql < bin/database.sql.
    • In phpMyAdmin, you can click the "SQL" tab at the top of any page, copy and paste the contents of database.sql into the "Run SQL query/queries" form, and click "Go".
    • Or look up "how to execute SQL queries in MySQL".
  2. Make a copy of app/Config/database.php.default named database.php. Fill out your credentials in the $development array, and change the __construct() function if you want to use a ServerName other than localhost or ctcc.local.

Configure Apache:

Open up /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, or httpd.conf (wherever it may be on your system), or create a new virtual host.

DocumentRoot "/var/www/app/webroot"
<Directory "/var/www">
    AllowOverride all
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    Require all granted
<VirtualHost *>
    DocumentRoot "/var/www/ctcc/app/webroot"
    ServerName ctcc.local
    <Directory "/var/www/ctcc">
        AllowOverride all
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
        Require all granted

Set up emails: