The CodingAmigos are a loose bunch of coders, activists, creators and anything in between. The meetup is less of a formal meeting, more like a hangout to get to know interesting people, work on your own projects and chat about tech and the world.
• 1. We follow the berlin code of conduct
• 2. In order not to exclude anyone, english or code are the mandatory languages :)
• 3. We aim to support each other
• 4. We try to encourage equal amount of sharing and talking in our meetups
• 5. Everyone tries to help shy people get introduced to others and to include everyone in the conversations
• 6. We promote inclusiveness no matter what gender, age, knowledge level or any other background a person is
• 7. Everyone tries to be a person who makes other people around her/him feel nice
If you already visited us a few times and feel like hosting the event, let us know and we will help you get started.