codingsoo / social-engineering-defense

Our project is for protecting text based fraud from scammers. We aim to defense scam text data that other systems cannot catch.
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Social Engineering Defense



The purpose of this project is to detect scam e-mails based on text analysis. This repository includes e-mail crawling, sentence processing, sentence type identification, form item detection, command analysis and question analysis. We used open-source projects for each steps as follows.

The structure of our social engineering defense system is as shown in the following figure.

System Structure



We use e-mail data, but input can be any text data. You can crawl e-mail data in the crawl_mails folder, or you can use pre-crawled e-mail data. You can see detail code in the crawl_mails folder

Sentence Processing

Analyzing scam data is difficult because they destroy grammar on purpose. The most critical point is they don't have right punctuations. It is really hard to break down into sentences without punctuations. We use punctuator2 for solving this problem. Then we detect sentence boundary with Punkt tool. It finds not only periods, but also can distinguish whether it is used for ending a sentence or abbreviation. You can see details in the sentence_boundary_detection folder. You can use pre-sentence-tokenized e-mail data.

Form Item Detection

If your data has no form, you can skip this section. However, if you use our data or something with form, you should transform forms into questions.

please fill this form
NAME : ___________________
JOB : ___________________
PHONE : _________________

This form can change to below questions.

what is your name?
what is your job?
what is your phone?

You can see details in the form_item_detection folder.

Sentence Type Identification

Scammers get information through questions and commands. Since we provide the different approach for these two categories, we used POS tagger which is provided from Stanford(coreNLP) to identify them. This tagger draws the syntactic and type dependency parse trees of sentences. We extract the commands in four cases below.

1. Imperative

We find the imperative sentences which generally start with the verb.

Send me money!
Let me know your information.

2. Suggestion

If there is a ‘you’ in front of the modal verb, we detect it as a command.

You should send me your address.
You must call him.

3. DesireExpression

If the verb is included in desire verb, we detect it as a command.

I hope you will give me the money.
I want you to do these things.

4. Question

If there are ‘SQ’ tag or ‘SBARQ’ tag in parse result, we detect it as a question.
You can see the details in the sentence type identification folder.

Check Malicious with Blacklist

We use blacklist which is made of TF-IDF for checking whether it's a scam or not.

transport money
ship money
send money
notify we

You can see the details in the check phishing with command folder

Check Malicious with Question Answering System(Paralex)

We use paralex system for this step. It is basically Question Answering System, but we changed the database to use it as question scam detector. Please download our modified paralex file.

cd paralex-evaluation-test
./scripts/ & # start nlp server
./scripts/ & # start demo server

Once the demo is running, you can make HTTP requests to Paralex and get JSON objects as output.

curl http://localhost:8083/parse?sent=What+is+your+password # "answers": ["confidential.e"]
curl http://localhost:8083/parse?sent=Who+invented+pizza # have no ["confidential.e"] answers


Dockerfile Demo

Our system works on e-mail texts, but we also provide a docker demo where you can easily check your sentence to see if it is classified as a scam. Make sure that your computer has Docker.

brew cask install docker
sudo apt-get install
sudo yum install docker-ce

Run Our shell script

chmod +x
sudo ./

Run demo file

cd /social-engineering-defense/check_phishing_with_command
python what is your password # Beep! Scam detected.

Docker Hub Demo

Our system works on e-mail texts, but we also provide a docker demo where you can easily check your sentence to see if it is classified as a scam.

docker login
docker pull learnitdeep/social-engineering-defense

Please download our file, and unzip it. you can link your computer's directory and docker containers directory with -v option.

This is the example.

docker run -it -v /Users/learnitdeep/Desktop/social-engineering-defense-demo/:/social-engineering-defense learnitdeep/social-engineering-defense

Then you need to run paralex server.

cd /social-engineering-defense/paralex-evaluation-test/
./scripts/ & # start nlp server
./scripts/ & # start demo server

Our demo file is located in /check_phishing_with_command/ First, you need to compile java files.

cd /social-engineering-defense/check_phishing_with_command
javac -cp ./jar/*:

Now you can use our demo!

python what is your password # Beep! Scam detected.

Ongoing work