codingteam / intellij-leiningen-plugin

A plugin for JetBrains' IntelliJ IDE supporting the Leiningen build system.
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h2. Status notice

This project is no longer actively maintained by me. If you're looking for a Clojure development environment based on IntelliJ and with Leiningen support, check out "Cursive": . If you want to add new functionality to this plugin, feel free to fork and modify it as you like.

h1. The IntelliJ Leiningen Plugin

This plugin integrates Leiningen into IntelliJ. It is supposed to work with both the Ultimate and Community Edition of IntelliJ.

h2. Features

h2. Usage

Install the plugin via the plugin manager of IntelliJ. Then go to Settings > Leiningen and set up the location of Leiningen. Now you can run Leiningen targets in the Leiningen tool window on the right side of the IntelliJ main window by doubleclicking on the target name.

When you open a project that has a project.clj file in it's root, it is automatically added to the list of Leiningen projects in the Leiningen tool window. If you have multiple project.clj files in your project tree (e.g. a project with subprojects) you can add these manually by pressing the plus icon in the Leiningen tool window.

h2. Compiling the source code

h3. Adding the interop directory as a module.

If you wish to add the interop module to the project do the following:

h3. Building the plugin distribution

To build a deployable Jar file:

h2. Submitting patches

Patches can be submitted via email to janthomae at janthomae dot de or using GitHub's fork and pull request facility.