codingteam / loglist

Reincarnation of the famous service
MIT License
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What's the license of LogList? #159

Closed rexim closed 8 years ago

rexim commented 8 years ago

Derived from

LICENSE says it's Apache 2 license, but it was just a part of Play framework template and I didn't think about licensing at the moment. Should we really use this license? I would like to switch to MIT. What do you guys think?

ForNeVeR commented 8 years ago

I think that we should change the license. I suggest we ask other contributors (@Minoru, @kosc, @eaeee, @Newlifer) if they are okay with changing the license to MIT.

I also assume that they're okay with changing the license if they'll not complain about it in, say, 5 days.

hagane commented 8 years ago

How about ABRMS License?

ForNeVeR commented 8 years ago

I do not care about RMS and don't want the name of this man to be mentioned anywhere near my contributions or our license/legal policy. He may use our software if he want to.

Minoru commented 8 years ago

I'm okay with my contributions being distributed under the MIT license.

Newlifer commented 8 years ago

I second this^W MIT license suggestion. But how about BSD-3?

ForNeVeR commented 8 years ago

Useful discussion:

But I still prefer MIT.

ForNeVeR commented 8 years ago

As a (wannabe?) scientific institution, we tend to prefer MIT in all of our major projects: horta, naggum, pacmacs. Consider that as our general policy.

I wouldn't turn from it without very solid reason, and currently I'm not seeing it.

hagane commented 8 years ago

Language, Doktor! We are the scientific institution. Anyone doubting that is a heretic, mutant and/or filthy xenos.

rexim commented 8 years ago

@ForNeVeR I believe it's been already 5 days. Are we gonna wait more?

ForNeVeR commented 8 years ago

Well, I think we have an approvement from most of the contributors (and no complaints from anyone), so we can change the license to MIT.