codingteam / loglist

Reincarnation of the famous service
MIT License
7 stars 4 forks source link

LogList Docker Image

Reincarnation of the famous service.

Additional Documentation

Database Configuration

Install PostgreSQL, create database and user for LogList. Install and activate the following extensions:

If you are using Debian-like distro, install extensions with apt-get install postgresql-contrib. You can activate extension pgcrypto with following line in postgresql console:


Development Configuration

PostgreSQL container

If you want to quickly run LogList in a dockerized environment while keeping the code locally (e.g. to debug the code), run the following commands to start development PostgreSQL instance:

$ docker-compose run --publish '5432:5432' db

Environment Variables

Possible environment variables can be found in the devenv.example file. Supposed workflow:

$ cp devenv.example devenv # devenv is gitignored so you won't accidentally commit it
$ emacs devenv
  ... Modify variables ...
  ... All variable names should be self-explanatory
$ . ./devenv

The same sample setup for Windows:

PS> cp devenv.ps1.example devenv.ps1
PS> notepad devenv.ps1 # Edit the configuration...
PS> .\devenv.ps1

Running the application

To run the application in a container, run the following command:

$ docker-compose --project-name loglist up

And then open http://localhost:9000 in a browser.

To run the application locally, make sure you've set up the environment variables as described in the previous section, and then execute the following command:

$ sbt scalajvm/run


Automated test suite requires empty database. To start a new container with an empty database, you may use a command like this:

$ docker-compose run --rm --name 'loglist_test' --publish '5432:5432' db

Then, set up the environment variables and run the test suite:

$ sbt test


This application uses Docker for deployment. To create a Docker image, use the following command:

$ docker build -t codingteam/loglist:$LOGLIST_VERSION -t codingteam/loglist:latest -f loglist.dockerfile .

(where $LOGLIST_VERSION is the version for the image to publish)

Then push the image to the Docker Hub:

$ docker login # if necessary
$ docker push codingteam/loglist:$LOGLIST_VERSION
$ docker push codingteam/loglist:latest


To install the application from Docker, run the following command:

$ docker run -d --restart unless-stopped \
    --name $NAME \
    -v $CONFIG:/app/conf/application.conf \
    --env-file $ENV_FILE \
    --add-host db:$DB_IP \
    -p:$PORT:9000 \


For example, a production server may use the following settings (note this command uses the Bash syntax; adapt for your shell if necessary):

DB_IP=$(docker network inspect --format='{{range .IPAM.Config}}{{.Gateway}}{{end}}' bridge)
docker pull codingteam/loglist:$VERSION
docker rm -f $NAME
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped \
    --name $NAME \
    -v $CONFIG:/app/conf/application.conf \
    --env-file $ENV_FILE \
    --add-host db:$DB_IP \
    -p:$PORT:9000 \


LogList is licensed under the terms of MIT License. See file for details.

Some third-party components have their own licenses, please consult the corresponding site section for further details.