codwar / ipdburt

UrbanTerror ID/IP Database
3 stars 0 forks source link

IPDB Sudamericana

Maven Setup

Run mvn clean install in your project root directory

In order to generate Eclipse .project, .classpath and .settings files and directories, *run only once*

mvn eclipse:configure-workspace -Declipse.workspace=/path/to/workspace
mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse

Release Procedure

  1. Go to the project root
  2. Create a file named in iddb-web/src/main/resources containing recaptcha.public.key and recaptcha.private.key
  3. Configure the necessary properties files in iddb-web/profile/prod/resources. Use the ones in src/main/resources as example
  4. Execute in the command line: mvn clean release:prepare

This will start an interactive process to confirm the versions being released, the tag to create and the next version

  1. Checkout the tagged version (e.g. for the version 0.5): git checkout v0.5
  2. Goto the web project: cd jipdbs-web
  3. Deploy to your application server: mvn tomcat:deploy