coecms / frontdetection

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Front Detection

[Updated: 30-11-2022]

This repository contains a python3 file ('') to be used as a module to automatically detect cold, warm and stationary fronts on a range of gridded datasets, and a script that is an example of how the module can be used (''). The module currently relies on inputs being in xarray format.

This code is based on the detection method described in Berry et al. (2011), which itself was based on Hewson (1998). Note that results are more spurious towards the poles, and ideally the code should only be used between 70N and 70S

This code has now been updated to use functions from the Metpy module to calculate the dewpoint and wetbulb temperature.

2 jupyter notebooks are avaible to show how to use this module in /example_notebooks.

The module itself has the following dependencies:

And to plot the data you need:

Here we will briefly describe each function.