coecms / ncimonitor

Extended usage information for HPC
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Extended usage information for the NCI system raijin.

.. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: .. :target: .. image:: :target:

To use:

.. code:: bash

module purge
module use /g/data3/hh5/public/modules
module load conda/analysis27

Basic usage message:

.. code:: bash

ncimonitor -h
usage: ncimonitor [-h] [-u USERS] [-p PERIOD] [-P [PROJECT [PROJECT ...]]]
                  [-S SYSTEM] [--usage] [--short] [--byuser]
                  [--maxusage MAXUSAGE] [--pdf] [--noshow] [-d]

Show NCI account usage information with more context

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u USERS, --users USERS
                        Limit information to specified users
  -p PERIOD, --period PERIOD
                        Time period in year.quarter (e.g. 2015.q4)
  -P [PROJECT [PROJECT ...]], --project [PROJECT [PROJECT ...]]
                        Specify project id(s)
  -S SYSTEM, --system SYSTEM
                        System name
  --usage               Show SU usage (default true)
  --short               Show short usage (default true)
  --byuser              Show usage by user
  --maxusage MAXUSAGE   Set the maximum usage (useful for individual users)
  --pdf                 Save pdf copies of plots
  --noshow              Do not show plots
  -d, --delta           Show change since beginning of time period

Just invoking the program with no options will show a plot of your default project Service Unit (SU) usage and short file usage.

You can ask for multiple projects, e.g.

.. code:: bash

ncimonitor -P zz55 yy99 qq00

If you just want to see just the change in short file usage since the start of the quarter (doesn't affect SU usage):

.. code:: bash

ncimonitor --delta

Or usage by user:

.. code:: bash

ncimonitor --byuser

Or just some selected users:

.. code:: bash

ncimonitor -u usr1 -u usr2

You can change the max usage, which allows you to track individual users against a target

.. code:: bash

ncimonitor  -u usr1 -maxusage=1700

To save PDF copies of plots, use --pdf. To suppress viewing plots on the default display device use --noshow. Combining these two options will produce only hard copies:


ncimonitor --pdf --noshow