cofactoryai / textbase

✨ Textbase is a simple framework for building AI chatbots. ✨
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Textbase python library


✨ Textbase is a framework for building chatbots using NLP and ML. ✨

Just implement the `on_message` function in `` and Textbase will take care of the rest :) Since it is just Python you can use whatever models, libraries, vector databases and APIs you want. Coming soon: - [x] [PyPI package]( - [x] Easy web deployment via [textbase-client deploy](docs/docs/deployment/ - [ ] SMS integration - [ ] Native integration of other models (Claude, Llama, ...) ![Demo Deploy GIF](assets/textbase-deploy.gif) ## Installation Make sure you have `python version >=3.9.0`, it's always good to follow the [docs]( 👈🏻 ### 1. Through pip ```bash pip install textbase-client ``` ### 2. Local installation Clone the repository and install the dependencies using [Poetry]( (you might have to [install Poetry]( first). For proper details see [here]() ```bash git clone cd textbase poetry shell poetry install ``` ## Start development server > If you're using the default template, **remember to set the OpenAI API key** in ``. Run the following command: - if installed locally ```bash poetry run python textbase/ test ``` - if installed through pip ```bash textbase-client test ``` Response: ```bash Path to the file: examples/openai-bot/ # You can create a by yourself and add that path here. NOTE: The path should not be in quotes ``` Now go to the link in blue color which is shown on the CLI and you will be able to chat with your bot! ![Local UI](assets/test_command.png) ### `Other commands have been mentioned in the documentation website.` [Have a look]( 😃! ## Contributions Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or create a pull request. Follow our [`contributions guide`]( for more details!