cofdevtech / airbnb-calendar

AIRBNB style calendar package for React Native applications.
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Utilities for managing, updating, checking and representing airbnb calendar methodologies for booking/reservation based calendar representation


MIT License


Branch Build Status
Master Build to use the lib
Stag Build to use the lib
Dev Build to use the lib

Interfaces and Types

Find these interfaces and type for your referrence along the codes

interface CalendarDateType {
  timestamp: number;
  dateString: string;
  day: number;
  month: number;
  year: number;

enum Status {
  BLOCKED = "blocked",
  BOOKED = "booked",
  OPEN = "open",

enum Colors {
  BLOCKED = "lightgrey",
  BOOKED = "pink",
  OPEN = "white",

interface DataType {
  [key: string]: {
    _id: string;
    check_in: string;
    check_out: string;
    selected: Boolean;
    startingDay: Boolean;
    endingDay: Boolean;
    status: string;

interface DefaultDataType {
  _id: string;
  check_in: string;
  check_out: string;
  status: string;
  selected?: Boolean;
  endingDay?: Boolean;
  startingDay?: Boolean;

Mock Data

const data = [
    _id: "1234560",
    check_in: "2023-10-1",
    check_out: "2023-10-5",
    status: "booked",
    _id: "1234563",
    check_in: "2023-10-15",
    check_out: "2023-10-20",
    status: "open",
    _id: "1234561",
    check_in: "2023-10-5",
    check_out: "2023-10-8",
    status: "booked",
    _id: "1234562",
    check_in: "2023-10-10",
    check_out: "2023-10-12",
    status: "blocked",
    _id: "1234564",
    check_in: "2023-10-25",
    check_out: "2023-10-28",
    status: "blocked",


convertToDateFormat(date: string): string\ Returns the date in YYYY-M-D format

sortByDate(): void\ _Sorts all the data in ascending form of checkin property

getDaysBetweenDates(startDate: moment.Moment, endDate: moment.Moment): Array<string>\ Returns an array of dates falling between the range of startDate and endDate including the start and end dates

groupDataByDate(): void\ _Groups all the reservation objects with keys as the date which holds the reservation data object. It also marks each object with startingDay and endingDay as boolean true where two reservation join in where one reservation has its check_in date same as checkout date of the other

modifyDataByDateAndStatus(): void\ Modifies all the reservation items with startingDay: true if it is the start date of a particular reservation\ Modifies all the reservation items with endingDay: true if it is the end date of a particular reservation\ Modifies all the reservation items with selected: true if it falls between the start and end date of a particular reservation

addOpen(data: DefaultDataType): void | Error\ Adds open status based reservation data in the already available data. It throws error if a status other than 'open'.

addBooked(data: DefaultDataType): void | Error\ Adds booked status based reservation data in the already available data. It throws error if a status other than 'booked'.

addBlocked(data: DefaultDataType): void\ Adds blocked status based reservation data in the already available data. It throws error if a status other than 'blocked'.

get output(): Map<string, DefaultDataType>\ It is a getter method to return the ouput data after the last process

isReserved(dateItem: string): Boolean | DefaultDataType\ Returns the reservation data which the particular date holds else returns false


const nativeCalendarUtils = new NativeCalendarUtils(data);\ data parameter above is of the mock data format mentioned above


const openData = {
  _id: "1234563",
  check_in: "2023-10-21",
  check_out: "2023-10-24",
  status: "open",

