cofi / evil-leader

<leader> key for evil
GNU General Public License v3.0
315 stars 22 forks source link

** Installation Put =evil-leader.el= into =load-path= and =(require 'evil-leader)=.

** Usage

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp



to enable =evil-leader= in every buffer where =evil= is enabled.

Note: You should enable =global-evil-leader-mode= before you enable =evil-mode=, otherwise =evil-leader= won't be enabled in initial buffers (=scratch=, =Messages=, ...).

Use =evil-leader/set-key= to bind keys in the leader map. For example:

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(evil-leader/set-key "e" 'find-file)


You can also bind several keys at once:

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(evil-leader/set-key "e" 'find-file "b" 'switch-to-buffer "k" 'kill-buffer)


The key map can of course be filled in several places.

After you set up the key map you can access the bindings by pressing == (default: =\=) and the key(s). E.g. =\ e= would call =find-file= to open a file.

If you wish to change so you can customize =evil-leader/leader= or call =evil-leader/set-leader=, e.g. =(evil-leader/set-leader ",")= to change it to ",". The leader has to be readable by =read-kbd-macro=, so using Space as a prefix key would be =(evil-leader/set-leader "")=.

Beginning with version 0.3 evil-leader has support for mode-local bindings:

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(evil-leader/set-key-for-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode "b" 'byte-compile-file)


Again, you can bind several keys at once.

A mode-local binding shadows a normal mode-independent binding.

** FAQ *** is not working in certain buffers! Why? This can have two reasons. First, the buffer is not in normal state (like insert or emacs state). If you set =evil-leader/in-all-states= to non-nil (before loading evil-leader or via customize) you can access the leader keymap still with the non-normal-prefix + leader (default: =C-\=).

Another option is to use =evil-leader/no-prefix-mode-rx= if you want the
non-prefixed =<leader>= in certain major modes. But be careful as this
introduces the =<leader>= in the insert and emacs states which means you can't
type the char =<leader>= (=\= by default).
E.g. this code will let you use the non-prefixed =<leader>= in magit's and gnus' modes:

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(setq evil-leader/no-prefix-mode-rx '("magit-.-mode" "gnus-.-mode"))


Second, =<leader>= can be overshadowed by the current major-mode because
evil-leader uses the global keymap which has a lower priority than the local
keymap. To still use =<leader>= you have to either use another key or have a
look at =C-h k <leader>=, if it is bound then it overshadows the evil-leader