cogniflare / nifi-on-k8s-gcp-marketplace

Documentation for NiFi on Kubernetes hosted on GCP Marketplace
Apache License 2.0
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Calleido-Nifi is basically NiFi on Kubernetes.

Nifi is a tool that allows users to collect, process, and distribute data between systems. It provides a web-based interface that enables users to design and manage data flows in a visual manner, using drag-and-drop components.

About Google Click to Deploy

Popular open stacks on Kubernetes packaged by Google.


Architecture diagram


Quick install with Google Cloud Marketplace

Get up and running with a few clicks! Install this Calleido-Nifi app to a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster using Google Cloud Marketplace. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Command line instructions

You can use Google Cloud Shell or a local workstation to follow the steps below.

Open in Cloud Shell


Set up command-line tools

You'll need the following tools in your development environment. If you are using Cloud Shell, gcloud, kubectl, helm, Docker, and Git are installed in your environment by default.

Configure gcloud as a Docker credential helper:

gcloud auth configure-docker

Create a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster

Create a new cluster from the command line:

export CLUSTER=my-cluster
export ZONE=us-west1-a

gcloud container clusters create "$CLUSTER" --zone "$ZONE"

Configure kubectl to connect to the new cluster.

gcloud container clusters get-credentials "$CLUSTER" --zone "$ZONE"

Set up DNS and static IP address

Follow below steps to expose the Nifi cluster.

  1. Reserve a static global external IP address.

  2. Add a DNS record of type A with the above IP address (e.g.

  3. Copy created DNS hostname and static IP address name to Calleido settings.

Set up Google OAuth 2.0

Nifi cluster uses Google OAuth 2.0 for user authentication.

Follow below steps to set it up.

  1. Set up OAuth 2.0

  2. Add authorised origin same as the hostname set up in the DNS A record (e.g.

  3. Add authorised redirect URIs for login and logout callbacks for below endpoints:

  4. Copy Client ID and Client secret to Calleido settings.

Clone this repo

Clone this repo and the associated tools repo:

git clone --recursive

Install the Application resource definition

An Application resource is a collection of individual Kubernetes components, such as Services, Deployments, and so on, that you can manage as a group.

To set up your cluster to understand Application resources, run the following command:

kubectl apply -f ""

You need to run this command once.

The Application resource is defined by the Kubernetes SIG-apps community. The source code can be found on

Install the Application

Navigate to the calleido-nifi directory:

cd click-to-deploy/k8s/calleido-nifi

Configure the app with environment variables

Choose an instance name and namespace for the app. In most cases, you can use the default namespace.

export APP_INSTANCE_NAME=calleido-nifi-1
export NAMESPACE=default

For the persistent disk provisioning of the Deployments and StatefulSets, you can:

export DEFAULT_STORAGE_CLASS="standard" # provide your StorageClass name if not "standard"
# over

Set up the image tag:

It is advised to use stable image reference which you can find on Marketplace Container Registry. Example:

export TAG="<BUILD_ID>"

Alternatively you can use short tag which points to the latest image for selected version.

Warning: this tag is not stable and referenced image might change over time.

export TAG="1.0.0"

Configure the container images:

export IMAGE_HOST=""
export IMAGE_REGISTRY="${IMAGE_HOST}/prj-cogniflare-marketpl-public"

export IMAGE_CALLEIDO_NIFI="${IMAGE_REGISTRY}/calleido-nifi"
export IMAGE_ZOOKEEPER="/prj-cogniflare-marketpl-public/calleido-nifi/zookeeper"

Set DNS name:

export DNS_NAME=""

Set OIDC credentials:

export OIDC_CLIENTID="xxx"
export OIDC_SECRET="xxx"

If you want to expose the Nifi cluster, set up the Google External global static IP address name:

export STATIC_IP_NAME="externalIpName"

Create namespace in your Kubernetes cluster

If you use a different namespace than the default, run the command below to create a new namespace:

kubectl create namespace "${NAMESPACE}"

Expand the manifest template

Use helm template to expand the template. We recommend that you save the expanded manifest file for future updates to the application.

helm template "${APP_INSTANCE_NAME}" chart/argo-workflows \
    --namespace "${NAMESPACE}" \
    --set image.repo="${IMAGE_CALLEIDO_NIFI}" \
    --set image.tag="${TAG}" \
    --set calleido-deps.cert-manager.image.repository="${IMAGE_CERT_MANAGER}" \
    --set calleido-deps.cert-manager.image.tag="${TAG}" \
    --set calleido-deps.cert-manager.webhook.image.repository="${IMAGE_CERT_MANAGER_WEBHOOK}" \
    --set calleido-deps.cert-manager.webhook.image.tag="${TAG}" \
    --set calleido-deps.cert-manager.cainjector.image.repository="${IMAGE_CERT_MANAGER_CAINJECTOR}" \
    --set calleido-deps.cert-manager.cainjector.image.tag="${TAG}" \
    --set calleido-deps.nifikop.image.repository="${IMAGE_NIFIKOP}" \
    --set calleido-deps.nifikop.image.tag="${TAG}" \
    --set calleido-deps.zookeeper.image.registry="${IMAGE_HOST}" \
    --set calleido-deps.zookeeper.image.repository="${IMAGE_ZOOKEEPER}" \
    --set calleido-deps.zookeeper.image.tag="${TAG}" \
    --set calleido-deps.zookeeper.persistence.size="${PERSISTENT_DISK_SIZE}" \
    --set calleido-deps.zookeeper.persistence.storageClass="${ZOOKEPER_PERSISTENT_DISK_SIZE}" \
    --set persistence.logs.storageClass="${ZOOKEPER_PERSISTENT_DISK_SIZE}" \
    --set persistence.flowFileRepo.storageClass="${ZOOKEPER_PERSISTENT_DISK_SIZE}" \
    --set persistence.conf.storageClass="${ZOOKEPER_PERSISTENT_DISK_SIZE}" \
    --set persistence.contentRepo.storageClass="${ZOOKEPER_PERSISTENT_DISK_SIZE}" \
    --set persistence.provenanceRepo.storageClass="${ZOOKEPER_PERSISTENT_DISK_SIZE}" \
    --set persistence.extensionsRepo.storageClass="${ZOOKEPER_PERSISTENT_DISK_SIZE}" \
    --set dnsName="${DNS_NAME}" \
    --set oidc.clientId="${OIDC_CLIENTID}" \
    --set oidc.secret="${OIDC_SECRET}" \
    --set ingress.enabled="true" \
    --set ingress.staticIpAddressName="${STATIC_IP_NAME}" \
    > "${APP_INSTANCE_NAME}_manifest.yaml"

Apply the manifest to your Kubernetes cluster

Use kubectl to apply the manifest to your Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl apply -f "${APP_INSTANCE_NAME}_manifest.yaml" --namespace "${NAMESPACE}"

View the app in the Google Cloud Console

To get the Console URL for your app, run the following command:


To view the app, open the URL in your browser.

Uninstall the Application

Using the Google Cloud Platform Console

  1. In the GCP Console, open Kubernetes Applications.

  2. From the list of applications, click Calleido-Nifi.

  3. On the Application Details page, click Delete.

Using the command line

Run the following to uninstall Calleido-Nifi:

Manually Removing Constraints

If Calleido-Nifi is no longer running and there are extra constraints in the cluster, then the finalizers, CRDs and other artifacts must be removed manually: