coilysiren / algo-zone

pronounced like "auto zone", a place for figuring out algorithms
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algorithms golang javascript python ruby rust


pronounced like "auto zone", a place for figuring out algorithms

Installation Prereqs


Install the required dependencies:

pip install invoke pyyaml

Then run any of the algos:

invoke test $language $script         $data_index
invoke test python    insertion_sort  any
invoke test python    any             any
invoke test rust      selection_sort  any
invoke test python    sql             any
invoke test python    sql             0

You will get output like so:

$ invoke test python any

docker run ... python ./src/python/
  ⏱  ./src/python/ on ./data/sort_input_0.txt ran for 0.52 seconds
  🟒 ./src/python/ on ./data/sort_input_0.txt succeeded
docker run ... python ./src/python/
  ⏱  ./src/python/ on ./data/sql_input_2.sql ran for 0.75 seconds
  🟒 ./src/python/ on ./data/sql_input_2.sql succeeded
docker run ... python ./src/python/
  ⏱  ./src/python/ on ./data/sql_input_3.sql ran for 0.75 seconds
  🟒 ./src/python/ on ./data/sql_input_3.sql succeeded
docker run ... python ./src/python/
  ⏱  ./src/python/ on ./data/sql_input_1.sql ran for 0.74 seconds
  🟒 ./src/python/ on ./data/sql_input_1.sql succeeded

✨ script run success ✨

(note: I will likely not bother to update the above example when the output changes in minor ways)

New Languages

Adding new languages is a multi-step process, wherein you have to adapt each language to use parent python script's API. Which is to say, expects every language to operate in roughly the same way, so each language needs modification to give them some uniformity of behavior. algo-zone was implemented in python first, so expect languages to be easier to add the more similar they are to python.

The broad steps to adding a language, are:

The most important thing to understand is: you need to figure out how to get your language to execute some code in a specific file. It its weird and complicated, when you add your new special case handling code to After that, you should be able to do:

invoke test cobol insertion_sort

Which will spin up a docker container for your brand new fancy language. The tests run inside that docker container. That docker container will be expecting a file as output, look at the existing language examples to get an idea of what this means.

Overall you should expect this process to take a few hours. It's hard getting all these languages to play nice with each other!!!