coinse / autofl

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This artifact accompanies the paper A Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of LLM-based Explainable Fault Localization accepted to FSE'24.

Environmental Setup

Python Dependencies

Install the required dependencies using the following command:

python -m pip install pandas python-dotenv tqdm markdown2 tiktoken "openai>=0.27.8,<=0.28.1" javalang-ext scipy numpy matplotlib jupyter seaborn nbformat

OpenAI API Setup

Before using AutoFL, set up your OpenAI API credentials by creating a .env file with the following content:


Replace {YOUR_API_KEY} with your OpenAI API key and {YOUR_ORG_KEY} with your organization's API key.

Guide to Reproduction

0. Raw Data Files

1. Generate Detailed AutoFL Results Files

To obtain comprehensive AutoFL results files, please execute the following command:


Running this command will generate complete score data files (*_full.json) within the combined_fl_results directory, utilizing the raw data sourced from the results directory.

2. Reproduce Results in the Paper

General Usage

Run AutoFL

To run AutoFL, use the following command:

sh {expr_label} {num_repetitions} {dataset}

Replace {expr_label} with a label for your experiment, {num_repetitions} with the number of repetitions (R in the paper), and {dataset} with the dataset you want to use (defects4j or bugsinpy).

Compute Scores

python {result_directories} -l {java|python} -a -v -o {json_output_file}

{result_directories} should be the directories containing your AutoFL result files.
