cointracer / cointracer-desktop

CoinTracer is a windows desktop application facilitating keeping track of gainings and losses of crypto tradings. Initially made for tax rules of Germany. Still beta!
European Union Public License 1.2
21 stars 8 forks source link


CoinTracer is a windows desktop application facilitating keeping track of gainings and losses of crypto tradings. Initially made for tax rules of Germany. Still beta!

Screenshot CoinTracer 0.9.5

Additional information can be found here:

Getting Started

This application is written in Visual Basic, using Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition. I will be upgrading to a newer version of VS some time, but at the moment there is no rush to do this.

Beware: Right now, you will probably not be able to just load the CoinTracer.sln in your VS and get the whole thing up and running. There is a test projekt still missing in this repository. I will do some refactoring and will upload it later.

But: In the meantime you can simply load the VB projekt file \CoinTracer\CoinTracer.vbproj and play around with the code.


You basically just need Visual Studio 2015 Community edition. All nuget packages this project makes use of should be retrieved automatically.


You can download the latest versions here:

What about testing?

As mentioned above, the test project will soon be added to this repository.


...more information on this will soon be added.


This project is licensed under the EUPL, version 1.2 or - as soon they will be approved by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL. See


Thanks to everybody who has helped bringing this project forward so far by sharing feedback, issues and ideas!